''Under the Moon'' was an offbeat, late-night 1990s sports show on the United Kingdom's Channel 4. The show was originally hosted by Danny Kelly and comedian Tim Clark. The pair lasted for 10 episodes before Tim left to be replaced by another comedian, Tom Binns. Binns was axed from the show after he offered to "give Michael Owen one up the arse" after he scored an impressive goal in the 1998 World Cup. He was replaced by Lisa Rogers but the show was cancelled later that year. The show consisted of sports guests, live phone calls from viewers, comedy from Binns, music, and reports — all connected to sport. Although a sports show, after the main show had ended, Kelly would later act as an in-vision host providing links to the next programme and were thus listed as part of the show. Examples of these were repeats of the now defunct Channel 4 ''GamesMaster'' which ran between 1992-1998. Regular guests included Martin Johnson and Roger Black. ==External links== *(Channel 4 - "Interview with Danny Kelly" ) *(The Guardian - "The best worst sports TV show : Under the Moon" ) *(Tom Binns Topical Jokes website ) *(The Independent - "Sport on TV : Under the Moon, over the tolerance threshold" ) 抄文引用元・出典: フリー百科事典『 ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』 ■ウィキペディアで「Under the Moon」の詳細全文を読む スポンサード リンク